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Filter Folder’s Demo

Embedded Video

Ever struggled to find a file in a meeting?


Filter Folder has changed the game. πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯


I locate everything I need in mere seconds, with fewer clicks and zero frustration.


Here's an overview of the technology:


πŸ“‚ Functionality- Traditional Folders Replaced by Dynamic Filters πŸ“‚


➊ Begin with a display of all folders and files.

βž‹ Click on a folder to view its contents, including subfolders and files.

➌ Further refine the display by clicking on subfolders.

➍ Select multiple folders and subfolders to display their contents simultaneously.


πŸ” Watch the demo for further details! πŸ”


#TechDemo #FileFinder #GoogleDriveAlternative



Hey there, I'm Bryan, also known as Mr. Folder πŸ“ πŸ“ πŸ“ πŸ“


I created a 10x faster folder, compatible across desktop, AI, & VR interfaces.


I’m looking to integrate my πŸ“ tech with companies in the search, information, and file sectors.


πŸ’₯ If you know companies looking to enhance their user experience, please connect @BryanMulcrone 🀝 🀝


I'm open to licensing the technology or discussing acquisition and hiring opportunities.


To learn more, visit today πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€